Monday, September 21, 2009

HS Librarian's Lament

The reason I named this blog HS Librian's Lament is that I want to serve my patrons to the best of my ability and still wear all the "hats" that my job requires. I think any librarian would agree with me, and we often lament the fact that we have so many different job descriptions that it is difficult to keep up -- especially with all the new library 2.0 technologies.

At the high school level, I am constantly reminding our students about accessing our online subscription databases to find authentic, reliable information. I am not anti-Google, but I want information that is curriculum-based and reliable.

I am also trying to stay one step ahead of the students as I work with Animoto or Moviemaker. The next minute I am on the phone with tech support about getting our library managment system to "talk" to our student management system. Then I find myself in the attached computer lab trying to figure out why a student can't access the Internet as I explain to another student how to move a picture to the background in MS Word. Then it is on to collection development, reader's advisory, and so on.

Although it may not sound like it, I really enjoy my work, especially assisting the students and staff. Fortunately our staff and students appreciate my help. All too often I hear about many hardworking, well-educated librarians who are under appreciated. The most dreaded comment we hear is "You have to have a master's degree to do this?"

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